
matron of honour
matron of honour
1. A married woman in the service of a queen or princess
2. A married woman performing the duties of a bridesmaid, esp the chief bridesmaid
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Main Entry:honour
matron of honour see under ↑honour
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Main Entry:matron

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matron of honour UK US noun [countable] [singular matron of honour plural matrons of honour]
a married woman who has special responsibilities to help a bride at her wedding
Thesaurus: engagements and weddingshyponym to get, or to be marriedsynonym
See also: bridesmaid

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ˈmatron of honour [matron of honour] (especially US ˈmatron of honor) noun singular
a married woman who is the most important ↑bridesmaid at a wedding
compare maid of honour

Useful english dictionary. 2012.