
ca|reen «kuh REEN», verb, noun.
1. a) to lean to one side; tilt; tip: »

The ship careened in the strong wind.

b) to tip or sway sharply (used especially of vehicles, sometimes of persons): »

The speeding taxi went careening around the corner.

2. to heave a ship over on one side for cleaning, painting, or repairing below the water line: »

His orders were…to careen and refit (Robert Beatson).

1. a) to heave (a ship) over on one side for cleaning, painting, or repairing below the water line: »

Finding a convenient harbor…he unloaded and careened his vessels (Washington Irving).

b) to clean or repair (a ship) after placing it in this position: »

His sloop could not go to sea without being careened.

2. a) to cause to lean to one side: »

The gale careened the sailboat.

b) to cause (anything, especially a wagon or other vehicle) to tip or sway sharply: »

The sliding load careened the wagon at the corner.

[< noun]
1. a) the position of a ship when laid on one side for cleaning, painting, or repairs: »

When a ship is laid on a careen, everything is taken out of her (Falconer).

b) the process of careening: »

The Duchess began to make ready for a careen (Will Rogers).

2. a) the position of a ship driven on her beam ends by wind, waves, or other violence: »

a broadside which laid her on a careen.

b) a leaning over: »

The charm of the camel is not…in the movement, the noiseless stepping, or the broad careen (Lew Wallace).

[< Middle French carène < Italian (Genoese) carena < Latin carīna a keel]
ca|reen´er, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.