
car|nal «KAHR nuhl», adjective.
1. a) of or connected with the appetites and passions of the body; sensual: »

Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

SYNONYM(S): fleshly, gross. b) sexual; libidinous: »

But that false fruit For other operation first displayed, carnal desire inflaming (Milton).

2. worldly; not spiritual: »

Mirth and pleasantry…were looked upon as the marks of a carnal mind (Joseph Addison).

SYNONYM(S): unsanctified, materialistic.
3. Archaic. temporal, as opposed to spiritual; secular.
[< Latin carnālis < carō, carnis flesh. See etym. of doublet charnel. (Cf.charnel)]
car´nal|ly, adverb.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.