
cer|e|mo|ni|al «SEHR uh MOH nee uhl», adjective, noun.
1. of or having to do with ceremony: »

The emperor's ceremonial costumes were beautiful.

2. very formal: »

The President received his guests in a ceremonial way.

1. the formal actions proper to an occasion; ritual. Bowing the head and kneeling are ceremonials of religion.
2. a rite or ceremony.
3. a) a formality of courtesy or manners. b) the observance of these in social life.
4. in the Roman Catholic Church: the ordering of religious rites and ceremonies.
5. Obsolete. a robe or garment worn on some ceremonial occasion.
cer´e|mo´ni|al|ly, adverb.
cer´e|mo´ni|al|ness, noun.
Synonym Study adjective. 1, 2 Ceremonial, ceremonious differ in meaning and use. Ceremonial means having to do with ceremony, and applies to things involving or belonging to ceremonies and formalities of the church, law, polite conduct, fraternities, or other groups or bodies. »

Shriners wear ceremonial costumes.

Ceremonious means full of ceremony and applies to things done with ceremony or showy formality or to people who pay very strict attention to the details of polite conduct: »

ceremonious politeness. The banquet was a ceremonious affair.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.