
gaunt «gnt, gahnt», adjective verb.
1. very thin and bony; with hollow eyes and a starved look: »

Hunger and suffering had made the lost hikers gaunt.

SYNONYM(S): lean, spare, lank. See syn. under thin. (Cf.thin)
2. such as to cause leanness or emaciation: »

gaunt poverty.

3. looking bare and gloomy; desolate; forbidding; grim: »

the gaunt slopes of a high mountain in winter.

to make lean or haggard: »

... a woman with an eroded face, a body gaunted by diet (John D. MacDonald).

[perhaps < Scandinavian (compare Norwegian gand thin pole or person), with influence of Old French gant, gent elegant]
gaunt´ly, adverb.
gaunt´ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.