
gen|er|ate «JEHN uh rayt», transitive verb, -at|ed, -at|ing.
1. to cause to be; bring into being; produce: »

Heating water can generate steam.

SYNONYM(S): make.
2. to produce (offspring); procreate. SYNONYM(S): beget.
3. Mathematics. to form (a line, surface, figure, or solid) especially by moving a point or line.
4. Linguistics. to derive or produce (a grammatical sentence) from more basic forms by a set of rules of operation or transformation: »

Surface structures—the sentences we actually speak and hear—are not “like” the kernels from which they are generated by transformational rules (New Yorker).

[< Latin generāre (with English -ate1) < genus, -eris race; see etym. under genus (Cf.genus)]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.