
gen|er|a|tion «JEHN uh RAY shuhn», noun.
1. all the people born in the same period of time. Your parents and their friends belong to one generation; you and your friends belong to the next generation.
2. about 20 or 30 years, or the time from the birth of one generation to the birth of the next generation.
3. one step or degree in the descent of a family: »

The picture showed four generations—great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, and baby.

4. a group of things produced within the same period of time, often on the model of an earlier product: »

The new computers are…much better priced in performance than the previous generation (Wall Street Journal).

5. the production of offspring; procreation.
6. the act or process of producing; bringing into being; generating; production: »

Steam and water power are used for the generation of electricity.

7. Biology. a form or stage of a plant or animal, with reference to its method of reproduction: »

the asexual generation of a fern.

8. Mathematics. the formation of a line, surface, figure, or solid especially by moving a point or line.
9. Obsolete. offspring; descendants: »

The book of the generation of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1).

10. Obsolete. a class of persons; family; race.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.