
gen|er|ous «JEHN uhr uhs, JEHN ruhs», adjective.
1. willing to share with others; unselfish: »

Though he didn't have much to give, he was generous with his money.

SYNONYM(S): liberal, bountiful, lavish.
2. noble and forgiving; not mean. SYNONYM(S): high-minded, magnanimous.
3. large; plentiful: »

A quarter of a pie a generous piece.

SYNONYM(S): ample, abundant, copious.
4. fertile: »

generous fields.

5. rich and strong: »

a generous wine.

6. Archaic. of noble lineage; highborn: »

a generous race of horses (Edward Gibbon).

[< Latin generōsus of noble birth < genus, -eris race, stock; see etym. under genus (Cf.genus)]
gen´er|ous|ly, adverb.
gen´er|ous|ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.