
gen|u|ine «JEHN yu uhn», adjective.
1. actually being what it seems or is claimed to be; real; true: »

genuine leather, genuine worth or benefit. The political correspondence of Machiavelli, first published in 1767, is unquestionably genuine (Macaulay).

2. without pretense; sincere; frank: »

genuine sorrow.

SYNONYM(S): unaffected.
3. having to do with the original stock; purebred: »

a genuine Celtic people.

4. properly so called: »

a case of genuine leprosy.

[< Latin genuīnus native, natural, ultimately < gignere beget]
gen´u|ine|ly, adverb.
gen´u|ine|ness, noun.
Synonym Study 1 Genuine, authentic mean being what it is claimed to be. Genuine emphasizes absence of artificiality, adulteration, or any spurious quality: »

This table is genuine mahogany, not wood stained to look like it.

Authentic emphasizes absence of fraud or counterfeiting: »

This is his authentic signature, not a forgery.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.