
ger|man|ic «jur MAN ihk», adjective.
Chemistry. of or containing germanium, especially with a valence of 4.
[< german(ium) + -ic]
Ger|man|ic «jur MAN ihk», adjective, noun.
1. of Germany or the Germans; German.
2. of the people of northwestern Europe, such as the Germans, Scandinavians, and English, and their Indo-European languages; Teutonic.
3. = Teutonic def. (1). (Cf.Teutonic)
a branch of the Indo-European language family, customarily divided into East Germanic (Gothic), North Germanic (the Scandinavian languages), and West Germanic (English, Frisian, Dutch, German).
Ger|man´i|cal|ly, adverb.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.