
ger|mi|nal «JUR muh nuhl», adjective.
1. of or like germs or germ cells.
2. Figurative. in the earliest stage of development: »

Those germinal ideas…had been sprouting under cover (George Eliot).

SYNONYM(S): elementary, rudimentary.
[< New Latin germinalis < Latin germen, -inis sprout, bud]
ger´mi|nal|ly, adverb.
Ger|mi|nal «zhehr mee NAL, JEHR muh nuhl», noun.
(in the calendar of the first French Republic) the seventh month of the year, extending from March 21 to April 19.
[< French Germinal < Latin germen, -inis sprout, bud]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.