
germ «jurm», noun, adjective.
1. a microscopic animal, plant, or other organism, especially one that causes disease; microbe: »

the germ of scarlet fever.

There are many kinds of germs, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
2. the earliest form of a living thing; early embryo; seed, bud, or spore.
3. = germ cell (Cf.germ cell); gamete. (Cf.gamete)
4. Figurative. the beginning of anything; origin: »

Counting is the germ of arithmetic.

1. of or caused by disease germs.
2. Figurative. of or having to do with very early stages of development.
[< Old French germe < Latin germen, -inis sprout, bud]
germ´like´, adjective.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.