
Hag|ga|dah or Hag|ga|da «huh GAH duh», noun, plural -doth «-dohth».
1. a) a story or legend in the Talmud that explains or interprets the law. b) the legendary, nonlegal part of the Talmud.
2. a) the text of the Seder service read at the meal the first and second nights of Passover. It contains rabbinical exegesis of the Biblical story of the Exodus, prayers, psalms, and other matter, in ritual order. b) a book with this text.
3. a) the free exposition or illustration, chiefly homiletic, of the Scripture. b) this literature collectively, with the Halakah constituting the Talmudic lore; Midrash.
[< Hebrew haggādāh]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.