
mar|vel «MAHR vuhl», noun, verb, -veled, -vel|ing or (especially British) -velled, -vel|ling.
1. something wonderful; astonishing thing; a wonder: »

The airplane and television are among the marvels of science. The book is a marvel of accuracy.

2. Archaic. astonishment; wonder: »

The vast acquirements of the new governor were the theme of marvel among the simple burghers (Washington Irving).

1. to be filled with wonder; be astonished: »

I marvel at your boldness. She marveled at the beautiful sunset. Lancelot marvell'd at the wordless man (Tennyson).

2. to feel astonished curiousity: »

I marvel how men toil and fare (Andrew Lang).

1. to wonder at: »

We marveled that no one had been injured in the accident. And the people…marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple (Luke 1:21).

2. to wonder or be curious about: »

I marvel what kin thou and thy daughters are (Shakespeare).

[< Old French merveille < Vulgar Latin miribilia, for Latin mīrābilia wonders, neuter plural of mīrābilis strange, wonderful < mīrārī to wonder at < mīrus wonderful]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.