
ma|tu|ri|ty «muh TUR uh tee, -TYUR-, -CHUR-», noun, plural -ties.
1. full development; ripeness: »

She had reached maturity by the time she was twenty.

SYNONYM(S): adultness.
2. the condition of being completed or ready: »

Figurative. When their plans reached maturity, they were able to begin.

SYNONYM(S): readiness.
3. Also, maturities. a) the act or fact of falling due: »

U.S. Government obligations lost ground, particularly in the longer maturities, though trading volume continued quiet (Wall Street Journal).

b) the time a debt or note is payable.
4. Geology. a stage in the evolutionary erosion of land areas where the flat uplands have been widely dissected by deep river valleys.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.