
melt «mehlt», verb, melt|ed, melt|ed or mol|ten, melt|ing, noun.
1. to change from a solid to a liquid by applying heat: »

to melt ice or butter. Great heat melts iron.

2. to dissolve: »

to melt sugar in water.

3. Figurative. to cause to disappear gradually; disperse: »

The noon sun will melt away the fog. These our actors…were all spirits, and Are melted into air (Shakespeare).

4. Figurative. to change very gradually; blend; merge: »

Dusk melted the colors of the hill into a soft gray.

5. Figurative. to make tender or gentle; soften: »

Pity melted her heart.

SYNONYM(S): mollify.
1. to be changed from a solid to a liquid by applying heat: »

The ice on the sidewalks had melted in the sunshine.

2. to dissolve; appear to disintegrate: »

Sugar melts in water.

3. Figurative. to disappear gradually; vanish; disappear: »

The clouds melted away, and the sun came out. The crowd melted away.

4. Figurative. to waste away; dwindle: »

His wealth melted away.

5. Figurative. to change very gradually; blend; merge: »

In the rainbow, the green melts into blue, the blue into violet.

6. Figurative. to become softened; be made gentle; soften: »

I had a good deal melted towards our enemy (Robert Louis Stevenson).

7. to suffer from the heat: »

You will melt if you sit so close to the fire.

8. Obsolete. to be overwhelmed by grief.
1. the act or process of melting.
2. the state of being melted.
3. a melted metal.
4. a quantity of metal melted at one operation or over a specified period, especially a single charge in smelting: »

A number of melters using both pig iron and scrap have begun to use more pig iron in their melt (Baltimore Sun).

5. the spleen; milt.
[fusion of Old English meltan to melt, and mieltan make liquid]
melt´er, noun.
melt´ing|ly, adverb.
Synonym Study transitive verb.1, 2 Melt, dissolve, thaw, fuse mean to change from a solid state. Melt suggests either a gradual change caused by heat, by which a solid softens, loses shape, and finally becomes liquid (»

The warm air melted the butter

) or the change of a solid going into solution in a liquid composed of another substance and becoming a part of it (»

The lump of sugar melted in the cup of coffee

). Dissolve also has both these meanings, although the second is far more frequent: »

The candle dissolved into a pool of wax as it burned. Dissolve some salt in a glass of water.

Thaw, used only of frozen things, means to change to the unfrozen state, either liquid or less hard and stiff: »

She thawed the frozen fruit.

Fuse means to reduce a solid substance to a fluid state by subjecting it to a high temperature and is used especially of the blending together of metals into a combination which persists when they again solidify: »

to fuse copper and tin.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.