
moan «mohn», noun, verb.
1. a long, low sound of suffering: »

So is mortal life, A moan, a sigh, a sob, a storm, a strife (Sir Edwin Arnold).

2. any similar sound: »

the moan of the winter wind. The moan of doves in immemorial elms (Tennyson).

3. complaint; lamentation: »

Unheard…Their English mother made her moan (James Russell Lowell).

4. an instance of this: »

Her moan was only that she had not been invited.

1. to make moans: »

The sick man moaned in his sleep.

SYNONYM(S): wail. See syn. under groan. (Cf.groan)
2. to complain; lament; grieve.
1. to utter with a moan: »

“I'm so stiff I can't move,” she moaned.

2. to complain aut; grieve for: »

He is always moaning his luck.

SYNONYM(S): bemoan, bewail.
[Middle English mone. Compare Old English m to complain.]
moan´ing|ly, adverb.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.