
Mo|gul «MOH guhl, moh GUHL», noun.
1. a Mongol or Mongolian.
2. a) one of the Mongol conquerors of India in the 1500's. b) one of their descendants.
[< Persian and Arabic mughal, mughul, alteration of Mongol, the native name]
mo|gul1 «MOH guhl, moh GUHL», noun.
1. an important or powerful person: »

The ruthless industrial giants of the 1800's were the moguls of American society.

2. a steam locomotive used especially in the late 1800's and early 1900's for hauling freight trains.
[< Mogul]
mo|gul2 «MOH guhl», noun.
a moundlike elevation on a ski slope: »

Easily, solid on her skis, she swung down among the moguls and wind-bared ice, and became small, and again waited (John Updike).

[probably < Norwegian muge, mugje (feminine muga) a heap or mound; form influenced by English mogul1]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.