
mon|ster «MON stuhr», noun, adjective.
1. an imaginary creature having parts of different animals. Centaurs, sphinxes, griffins, and mermaids are monsters.
2. an imaginary animal of strange and horrible appearance: »

His imagination transformed shadows into monsters (Charles Brockden Brown).

3. Figurative. a person too wicked to be considered human: »

He is a monster of cruelty.

4. an animal or plant that is very unlike those usually found in nature. A cow with two heads is a monster. SYNONYM(S): monstrosity.
5. Figurative. a huge creature or thing: »

The moving van is a monster of a truck.

SYNONYM(S): giant.
6. Medicine. a congenitally malformed infant with extremely abnormal physical structure; an anomaly.
huge; enormous: »

The purpose of the resignation is believed to be to stage a monster demonstration (London Times).

SYNONYM(S): gigantic.
[< Old French monstre, learned borrowing from Latin mōnstrum portent; (originally) divine warning, related to monēre to warn]
mon´ster|like´, adjective.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.