
mon|tage «mon TAHZH», noun, verb, -taged, -tag|ing.
1. the combination of several distinct pictures to make a composite picture. Montage is frequently used in photography.
2. a composite picture so made: »

These dramatic photographs…were only montages (Newsweek).

3. in motion pictures and television: a) the use of a rapid succession of pictures, especially to suggest a train of thought. b) the use of a combination of images on the screen at once, often revolving or otherwise moving around or toward a focal point. c) a part of a motion picture using either of these devices.
4. Radio. a rapid sequence of separate or blended voices and sound effects which suggest varying states of mind.
5. any combining or blending of different elements: »

His latest novel is a montage of biography, history, and fiction.

to make (pictures, scenes, voices, or other images, sounds, or elements) into a montage: »

to montage a theatrical set.

[< French montage a mounting < Old French monter to mount1]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.