
per|verse «puhr VURS», adjective.
1. a) contrary and willful; obstinately opposing what is wanted, reasonable, or required; stubborn: »

The perverse child did just what we told him not to do.

SYNONYM(S): wayward, obstinate. b) that is contrary to what is wanted, reasonable, or required: »

perverse weather.

2. persistent in wrong: »

What is more likely, considering our perverse nature, than that we should neglect the duties, while we wish to retain the privileges, of our Christian profession? (Cardinal Newman).

3. turned away from what is right or good; wicked; morally bad: »

blameless…in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation (Philippians 2:15).

SYNONYM(S): perverted, depraved.
4. not correct; wrong: »

perverse reasoning.

[< Latin perversus turned away, past participle of pervertere pervert]
per|verse´ly, adverb.
per|verse´ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.