
Gertrude Stein
experimental expatriate United States writer (1874-1946)
Syn: ↑Stein
Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author

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Gertrude Stein [Gertrude Stein]
(1874–1946) a US writer who lived mainly in Paris after 1903. Her home there became a centre for writers, including Ernest Hemingway and Ford Madox Ford, and artists such as Picasso and Matisse. She wrote in an unusual style, often repeating words and using no ↑punctuation. Her best-known work is The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas (1933), which is really an account of her own life. She also wrote poetry, including the famous line:. A rose is a rose is a rose.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.