
kingdom come
1. the next world

he nearly blew us to kingdom come

Hypernyms: ↑afterlife, ↑hereafter
2. the end of time

you can wet the bed till kingdom come, for all I care

Hypernyms: ↑future, ↑hereafter, ↑futurity, ↑time to come

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Etymology: from the phrase Thy kingdom come in the Lord's Prayer
: the next world : heaven

the guns that would blow everyone to kingdom come — Meridel Le Sueur

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1. the next world; the hereafter; heaven.
2. Informal. a place or future time seemingly very remote: You could keep it up till kingdom come.
[1775-85; extracted from the phrase Thy kingdom come in the Lord's Prayer]

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kingdom come noun (informal)
1. The state after death
2. Some inconceivably far-off time
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Main Entry:king

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kingdom come or Kingdom Come,
heaven or paradise; the next world.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.