
last rites
1. a Catholic sacrament; a priest anoints a dying person with oil and prays for salvation (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑anointing of the sick, ↑extreme unction
Hypernyms: ↑sacrament
2. rites performed in connection with a death or burial
Usage Domain: ↑plural, ↑plural form
Hypernyms: ↑rite, ↑religious rite

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Rom. Cath. Ch.
See anointing of the sick.

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last rites plural noun
Religious rites performed for a person close to death
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Main Entry:last

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last rites,
religious rites performed by a priest for a dying or dead person; extreme unction. They include the saying of prayers and the administration Holy Communion.

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plural n. (in the Christian Church) rites administered to a person who is about to die

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the last rites
: a religious ceremony that is performed by a Catholic priest for someone who is dying

The priest administered the last rites.

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the ˌlast ˈrites [last rites] noun plural
a Christian religious ceremony that a priest performs for, and in the presence of, a dying person

to administer the last rites to sb

to receive the last rites

Useful english dictionary. 2012.