
in some classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera: stick insects; leaf insects
Syn: ↑Phasmida, ↑order Phasmida, ↑order Phasmatodea
Hypernyms: ↑animal order
Member Holonyms: ↑Insecta, ↑class Insecta, ↑Hexapoda, ↑class Hexapoda
Member Meronyms:
phasmid, ↑phasmid insect, ↑Phasmidae, ↑family Phasmidae, ↑Phasmatidae, ↑family Phasmatidae, ↑Phyllidae, ↑family Phyllidae, ↑Phillidae, ↑family Phillidae

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\\ˌfazməˈtōdēə\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Phasmat-, Phasma + -odea
: a suborder of Orthoptera often considered a separate order, comprising large, cylindrical or sometimes flattened, chiefly tropical insects with long strong legs, strictly phytophagous habits, and very slight metamorphosis and including the stick insects and leaf insects

Useful english dictionary. 2012.