
pick apart
find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws

The paper criticized the new movie


Don't knock the food—it's free

Syn: ↑knock, ↑criticize, ↑criticise
Ant: ↑praise (for: ↑criticize)
Derivationally related forms: ↑criticism (for: ↑criticise), ↑critic (for: ↑criticize)
Hypernyms: ↑comment, ↑notice, ↑remark, ↑point out
reprimand, ↑censure, ↑criminate, ↑savage, ↑blast, ↑pillory, ↑crucify, ↑admonish, ↑reprove, ↑call on the carpet, ↑take to task, ↑rebuke, ↑rag, ↑trounce, ↑reproof, ↑lecture, ↑jaw, ↑dress down, ↑call down, ↑scold, ↑chide, ↑berate, ↑bawl out, ↑remonstrate, ↑chew out, ↑chew up, ↑have words, ↑lambaste, ↑lambast, ↑reprehend, ↑deplore, ↑belabor, ↑belabour, ↑come down, ↑denounce, ↑blame, ↑find fault, ↑pick, ↑disparage, ↑belittle, ↑pick at, ↑nitpick, ↑attack, ↑round, ↑assail, ↑lash out, ↑snipe, ↑assault, ↑harsh on
Entailment: ↑evaluate, ↑pass judgment, ↑judge
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody

* * *

pick apart [phrasal verb]
pick (someone or something) apart or pick apart (someone or something) chiefly US : to say all of the things that are bad or wrong about (someone or something) : to criticize (a person or thing) in a very detailed and usually unkind way

You can expect political analysts to pick apart the governor's speech.

The film's critics picked his performance apart.

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Main Entry:pick

Useful english dictionary. 2012.