
capital of the state of South Dakota; located in central South Dakota on the Missouri river
Syn: ↑capital of South Dakota
Instance Hypernyms: ↑state capital
Part Holonyms: ↑South Dakota, ↑Coyote State, ↑Mount Rushmore State, ↑SD

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\\ˈpi(ə)r, -iə\ adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: from Pierre, capital of So. Dakota
: of or from Pierre, the capital of So. Dakota

a Pierre merchant

: of the kind or style prevalent in Pierre

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/pear/ for 1; /pee air"/ or, Fr., /pyerdd/ for 2, n.
1. a city in and the capital of South Dakota, in the central part, on the Missouri River. 11,973.
2. a male given name, form of Peter.

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['pi(ə)r; pē'e(ə)r]
the capital of South Dakota, in the central part of the state, on the Missouri River; pop. 13,876

Useful english dictionary. 2012.