
pine family
a family of Pinaceae
Syn: ↑Pinaceae, ↑family Pinaceae
Hypernyms: ↑gymnosperm family
Member Holonyms: ↑Coniferales, ↑order Coniferales
Member Meronyms:
Pinus, ↑genus Pinus, ↑Larix, ↑genus Larix, ↑Pseudolarix, ↑genus Pseudolarix, ↑Abies, ↑genus Abies, ↑Cedrus, ↑genus Cedrus, ↑Picea, ↑genus Picea, ↑Tsuga, ↑genus Tsuga, ↑Pseudotsuga, ↑genus Pseudotsuga, ↑genus Cathaya, ↑genus Keteleeria

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: pinaceae

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the plant family Pinaceae, characterized by mostly evergreen, resinous trees having narrow, often needlelike leaves, male flowers in catkinlike clusters, and scaly female flowers that develop into fruit in the form of a woody cone, and including cedar (genus Cedrus), fir, hemlock, larch, pine, and spruce.

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pine family,
a large group of coniferous, mostly evergreen trees and shrubs that have needleshaped leaves and resinous sap, including the pine, fir, spruce, hemlock, larch, and cedar of Lebanon.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.