
pink family
large family of herbs or subshrubs (usually with stems swollen at the nodes)
Syn: ↑Caryophyllaceae, ↑family Caryophyllaceae, ↑carnation family
Derivationally related forms: ↑caryophyllaceous (for: ↑Caryophyllaceae)
Hypernyms: ↑caryophylloid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Caryophyllales, ↑order Caryophyllales, ↑Chenopodiales, ↑order-Chenopodiales
Member Meronyms:
caryophyllaceous plant, ↑Agrostemma, ↑genus Agrostemma, ↑Arenaria, ↑genus Arenaria, ↑Cerastium, ↑genus Cerastium, ↑Dianthus, ↑genus Dianthus, ↑genus Drypis, ↑Gypsophila, ↑genus Gypsophila, ↑Hernaria, ↑genus Hernaria, ↑Illecebrum, ↑genus Illecebrum, ↑genus Lychnis, ↑Minuartia, ↑genus Minuartia, ↑Moehringia, ↑genus Moehringia, ↑Paronychia, ↑genus Paronychia, ↑Petrocoptis, ↑genus Petrocoptis, ↑Sagina, ↑genus Sagina, ↑Saponaria, ↑genus Saponaria, ↑Scleranthus, ↑genus Scleranthus, ↑genus Silene, ↑Spergula, ↑genus Spergula, ↑Spergularia, ↑genus Spergularia, ↑Stellaria, ↑genus Stellaria, ↑Vaccaria, ↑genus Vaccaria

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: caryophyllaceae

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the plant family Caryophyllaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants having opposite leaves, usually swollen-jointed stems, flowers with petals notched at the tips, and fruit generally in the form of a many-seeded capsule, and including baby's-breath, carnation, chickweed, pink, and sweet william.

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pink family,
a group of dicotyledonous herbs found chiefly in temperate and subarctic regions. The family includes the pink, campion, lychnis, babies'-breath, and chickweed.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.