
n. & v.
1 a a particular portion of space. b a portion of space occupied by a person or thing (it has changed its place). c a proper or natural position (he is out of his place; take your places).
2 a city, town, village, etc. (was born in this place).
3 a residence; a dwelling (has a place in the country; come round to my place).
4 a a group of houses in a town etc., esp. a square. b a country house with its surroundings.
5 a person's rank or status (know their place; a place in history).
6 a space, esp. a seat, for a person (two places in the coach).
7 a building or area for a specific purpose (place of worship; bathing-place).
8 a a point reached in a book etc. (lost my place). b a passage in a book.
9 a particular spot on a surface, esp. of the skin (a sore place on his wrist).
10 a employment or office, esp. government employment (lost his place at the Ministry). b the duties or entitlements of office etc. (is his place to hire staff).
11 a position as a member of a team, a student in a college, etc.
12 Brit. any of the first three or sometimes four positions in a race, esp. other than the winner (backed it for a place).
13 the position of a figure in a series indicated in decimal or similar notation (calculated to 50 decimal places).
1 put (a thing etc.) in a particular place or state; arrange.
2 identify, classify, or remember correctly (cannot place him).
3 assign to a particular place; locate.
4 a appoint (a person, esp. a member of the clergy) to a post. b find a situation, living, etc. for. c (usu. foll. by with) consign to a person's care etc. (placed her with her aunt).
5 assign rank, importance, or worth to (place him among the best teachers).
6 a dispose of (goods) to a customer. b make (an order for goods etc.).
7 (often foll. by in, on, etc.) have (confidence etc.).
8 invest (money).
9 Brit. state the position of (any of the first three or sometimes four runners) in a race.
10 tr. (as placed adj.) a Brit. among the first three or sometimes four in a race. b US second in a race.
11 Football get (a goal) by a place-kick.
Phrases and idioms:
all over the place in disorder; chaotic. give place to
1 make room for.
2 yield precedence to.
3 be succeeded by. go places colloq. be successful. in place in the right position; suitable. in place of in exchange for; instead of. in places at some places or in some parts, but not others. keep a person in his or her place suppress a person's pretensions.
out of place
1 in the wrong position.
2 unsuitable.
1 Brit. a bet on a horse to come first, second, third, or sometimes fourth in a race.
2 US a bet on a horse to come second. place-brick an imperfectly burnt brick from the windward side of the kiln. place card a card marking a person's place at a table etc. place in the sun a favourable situation, position, etc. place-kick Football a kick made when the ball is previously placed on the ground. place-mat a small mat on a table underneath a person's plate. place-name the name of a town, village, hill, field, lake, etc. place-setting a set of plates, cutlery, etc. for one person at a meal. put oneself in another's place imagine oneself in another's position. put a person in his or her place deflate or humiliate a person. take place occur. take one's place go to one's correct position, be seated, etc. take the place of be substituted for; replace.
placeless adj. placement n.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. L platea f. Gk plateia (hodos) broad (way)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.