
plant hormone
(botany) a plant product that acts like a hormone
Syn: ↑phytohormone, ↑growth regulator
Topics: ↑botany, ↑phytology
Hypernyms: ↑plant product
Hyponyms: ↑auxin, ↑gibberellin, ↑kinin, ↑cytokinin

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1. : a plant regulator (as indoleacetic acid or ethylene) produced by plants that usually moves within the plant from the site of production to the site of action — called also phytohormone
2. : a synthetic plant regulator

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plant hormone,
any one of a group of substances that affect the growth of plants, including auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.