
plea bargain
(criminal law) a negotiation in which the defendant agrees to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser charge and the prosecutor agrees to drop a more serious charge

his admission was part of a plea bargain with the prosecutor


plea bargaining helps to stop the courts becoming congested

Syn: ↑plea bargaining
Derivationally related forms: ↑plea-bargain (for: ↑plea bargaining), ↑plea-bargain
Topics: ↑criminal law, ↑law, ↑jurisprudence
Hypernyms: ↑bargaining

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see plea bargaining

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plea bargain noun
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Main Entry:plea

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plea bargain noun [countable] [singular plea bargain plural plea bargains]
Thesaurus: court cases and legal processeshyponym
Main entry: plea bargaining

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plea bargain noun, pl ⋯ -gains [count]

She could confess and be granted a plea bargain.

He refused to accept a plea bargain.

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Main Entry:plea bargaining

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ˈplea bargain [plea bargain plea bargains] ; noun

He reached a plea bargain with the authorities.

Main entry:plea-bargainingderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.