
n. & v.
1 a place occupied by a person or thing.
2 the way in which a thing or its parts are placed or arranged (sitting in an uncomfortable position).
3 the proper place (in position).
4 the state of being advantageously placed (jockeying for position).
5 a person's mental attitude; a way of looking at a question (changed their position on nuclear disarmament).
6 a person's situation in relation to others (puts one in an awkward position).
7 rank or status; high social standing.
8 paid employment.
9 a place where troops etc. are posted for strategical purposes (the position was stormed).
10 the configuration of chessmen etc. during a game.
11 a specific pose in ballet etc. (hold first position).
12 Logic a a proposition. b a statement of proposition.
—v.tr. place in position.
Phrases and idioms:
in a position to enabled by circumstances, resources, information, etc. to (do, state, etc.). position paper orig. US (in business etc.) a written report of attitude or intentions. position vector Math. a vector which determines the position of a point.
positional adj. positionally adv. positioner n.
Etymology: ME f. OF position or L positio -onis (as POSIT)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.