
potato fern
1. large Australasian evergreen fern with an edible rhizome sometimes used as a vegetable by indigenous people
Syn: ↑Marattia salicina
Hypernyms: ↑fern
Member Holonyms: ↑Marattia, ↑genus Marattia
2. small epiphytic fern of South America with tuberous swellings along rhizomes
Syn: ↑Solanopteris bifrons
Hypernyms: ↑fern
Member Holonyms: ↑Solanopteris, ↑genus Solanopteris

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1. : a fern (Marattia fraxinea) of New Zealand that has a large edible starchy rootstock
2. : a fern (Dryopteris cordifolia) of Australia that has small ovoid tubers which are edible

Useful english dictionary. 2012.