
pouched rat
burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae having large external cheek pouches; of Central America and southwestern North America
Syn: ↑gopher, ↑pocket gopher
Hypernyms: ↑pocket rat
plains pocket gopher, ↑Geomys bursarius, ↑southeastern pocket gopher, ↑Geomys pinetis, ↑valley pocket gopher, ↑Thomomys bottae, ↑northern pocket gopher, ↑Thomomys talpoides
Member Holonyms: ↑Geomyidae, ↑family Geomyidae

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: any of several African murid rodents with cheek pouches: as
a. or pouched gopher : pocket gopher
b. : kangaroo rat
c. : an African rodent of Cricetomys or the related genus Sarcostomus
d. : a spiny pocket mouse (Heteromys melanoleucus)

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pouched rat noun
Any American burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae, with outward-opening cheekpouches
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Main Entry:pouch

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pouched rat,
1. = gopher (def. 1). (Cf.gopher)
2. = kangaroo rat. (Cf.kangaroo rat)
3. any one of various pouched rodents of Africa.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.