
n. & v.
1 something that can be won in a competition or lottery etc.
2 a reward given as a symbol of victory or superiority.
3 something striven for or worth striving for (missed all the great prizes of life).
4 (attrib.) a to which a prize is awarded (a prize bull; a prize poem). b supremely excellent or outstanding of its kind.
—v.tr. value highly (a much prized possession).
Phrases and idioms:
prize-giving an award of prizes, esp. formally at a school etc. prize-money money offered as a prize. prize-ring
1 an enclosed area (now usu. a square) for prizefighting.
2 the practice of prizefighting.
Etymology: (n.) ME, var. of PRICE: (v.) ME f. OF pris- stem of preisier PRAISE
n. & v.
1 a ship or property captured in naval warfare.
2 a find or windfall.
—v.tr. make a prize of.
Phrases and idioms:
prize-court a department of an admiralty court concerned with prizes.
Etymology: ME f. OF prise taking, booty, fem. past part. of prendre f. L prehendere prehens- seize: later identified with PRIZE(1)
var. of PRISE.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.