
put off
1. hold back to a later time (Freq. 1)

let's postpone the exam

postpone, ↑prorogue, ↑hold over, ↑put over, ↑table, ↑shelve, ↑set back, ↑defer, ↑remit
Derivationally related forms:
putoff, ↑deferment (for: ↑defer), ↑deferral (for: ↑defer), ↑shelver (for: ↑shelve), ↑prorogation (for: ↑prorogue), ↑postponement (for: ↑postpone), ↑postponer (for: ↑postpone)
Hypernyms: ↑delay
Hyponyms: ↑call, ↑hold, ↑suspend, ↑probate, ↑reprieve, ↑respite
Entailment: ↑cancel, ↑call off, ↑scratch, ↑scrub, ↑reschedule
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s something PP

2. cause to feel intense dislike or distaste (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑turn off
Derivationally related forms: ↑turnoff (for: ↑turn off)
Hypernyms: ↑repel, ↑repulse
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


The performance is likely to put off Sue

3. cause to feel embarrassment

The constant attention of the young man confused her

Syn: ↑confuse, ↑flurry, ↑disconcert
Derivationally related forms: ↑disconcertment (for: ↑disconcert), ↑disconcertion (for: ↑disconcert), ↑confusion (for: ↑confuse)
Hypernyms: ↑embarrass, ↑abash
Hyponyms: ↑fluster, ↑bother, ↑distract, ↑deflect
Verb Group:
confuse, ↑throw, ↑fox, ↑befuddle, ↑fuddle, ↑bedevil, ↑confound, ↑discombobulate
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


The bad news will put off him

4. take away the enthusiasm of
Syn: ↑dishearten
Ant: ↑hearten (for: ↑dishearten)
Derivationally related forms: ↑disheartenment (for: ↑dishearten)
Hypernyms: ↑discourage
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


The performance is likely to put off Sue

5. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

He dodged the issue


she skirted the problem


They tend to evade their responsibilities


he evaded the questions skillfully

hedge, ↑fudge, ↑evade, ↑circumvent, ↑parry, ↑elude, ↑skirt, ↑dodge, ↑duck, ↑sidestep
Derivationally related forms:
dodge (for: ↑dodge), ↑dodger (for: ↑dodge), ↑dodging (for: ↑dodge), ↑circumvention (for: ↑circumvent), ↑evasion (for: ↑evade), ↑hedge (for: ↑hedge), ↑hedger (for: ↑hedge), ↑hedging (for: ↑hedge)
Hypernyms: ↑avoid
Hyponyms: ↑beg, ↑quibble
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

* * *

put off [phrasal verb]
1 put (something) off or put off (something) : to decide that (something) will happen at a later time :postpone

The meeting has been put off until next week. = We put off (holding) the meeting until next week.

I've been meaning to call him, but I keep putting it off.

I've been putting off calling him.

2 put (someone) off or put off (someone)
2 a : to cause (someone) to wait

I need to come up with an excuse to put off the bill collector.

She finally called him after putting him off all week.

2 b : to cause (someone) to dislike someone or something

Don't let the restaurant's dingy appearance put you off–their food is great.

I was put off by his rudeness.

(chiefly Brit) His rudeness put me off him [=made me dislike him] at once.

— see also off-putting
2 c Brit : to allow (someone) to get off a bus or other vehicle

Could you put [=let] me off (the bus) at the next stop, please?

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Main Entry:put

Useful english dictionary. 2012.