
put together
create by putting components or members together (Freq. 4)

She pieced a quilt


He tacked together some verses


They set up a committee

Syn: ↑assemble, ↑piece, ↑set up, ↑tack, ↑tack together
Ant: ↑disassemble (for: ↑assemble)
Derivationally related forms: ↑piece (for: ↑piece), ↑assemblage (for: ↑assemble)
Hypernyms: ↑join, ↑bring together, ↑make, ↑create
confect, ↑confection, ↑comfit, ↑jumble, ↑confuse, ↑mix up, ↑reassemble, ↑configure, ↑compound, ↑rig up
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s somebody


Something ——s something

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put together [phrasal verb]
1 put (something) together or put together (something)
1 a : to create (something) by joining or gathering parts together

You'll need a screwdriver to put the toy together.

They put their first band together when they were in high school.

Help me put together a list of what we need at the store.

She put a proposal together to give to the committee for consideration.

Her outfit was very well put together. [=the parts looked good together]

1 b
— used to say that someone or something is greater than the total of all the other people or things mentioned

You're smarter than all of those other guys put together.

2 put (something) together with (something) : to add or combine (something) with (something)

I never would have thought of putting this wine together with fish.

The lack of rain put together with [=along with, combined with] the heat ruined many of the region's crops.

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Main Entry:put

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put toˈgether idiom
used when comparing or contrasting sb/sth with a group of other people or things to mean ‘combined’ or ‘in total’

Your department spent more last year than all the others put together.

Main entry:putidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.