
bee moths; corn borers; flour moths
Syn: ↑Pyralidae, ↑family Pyralidae, ↑family Pyralididae
Hypernyms: ↑arthropod family
Member Holonyms: ↑Lepidoptera, ↑order Lepidoptera
Member Meronyms:
pyralid, ↑pyralid moth, ↑Pyralis, ↑genus Pyralis, ↑Galleria, ↑genus Galleria, ↑Pyrausta, ↑genus Pyrausta, ↑Anagasta, ↑genus Anagasta, ↑Ephestia, ↑genus Ephestia, ↑Cadra, ↑genus Cadra, ↑corn borer, ↑Pyrausta nubilalis

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\\ˌpirəˈlidəˌdē\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Pyralid-, Pyralis, type genus + -idae
1. : a family of moths comprising a vast and heterogeneous assemblage of small or medium-sized plainly colored slender-bodied and long-legged moths in which the costal vein of the hind wing approaches close to or unites with the subcostal vein near the middle of the wing
2. in some classifications : a small family of moths comprising typical members of the superfamily Pyralidoidea

Useful english dictionary. 2012.