
n. (pl. -ies)
1 the property of things that is measurable.
2 the size or extent or weight or amount or number.
3 a specified or considerable portion or number or amount (buys in quantity; the quantity of heat in a body).
4 (in pl.) large amounts or numbers; an abundance (quantities of food; is found in quantities on the shore).
5 the length or shortness of vowel sounds or syllables.
6 Math. a a value, component, etc. that may be expressed in numbers. b the figure or symbol representing this.
Phrases and idioms:
quantity mark a mark put over a vowel etc. to indicate its length. quantity surveyor a person who measures and prices building work. quantity theory the hypothesis that prices correspond to changes in the monetary supply.
Etymology: ME f. OF quantiteacute f. L quantitas -tatis f. quantus how much

Useful english dictionary. 2012.