
Syn: ↑genus Quercus
Hypernyms: ↑hamamelid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Fagaceae, ↑family Fagaceae, ↑beech family
Member Meronyms:
oak, ↑oak tree, ↑Japanese oak, ↑Quercus mongolica, ↑Quercus grosseserrata, ↑huckleberry oak, ↑Quercus vaccinifolia

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\\ˈkwərkəs\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, oak — more at fir
: a genus of hardwood often evergreen trees or shrubs (family Fagaceae) comprising the typical oaks and being widely distributed in the northern hemisphere but most abundant in temperate regions, having alternate linear to elliptical entire or variously lobed leaves, drooping staminate catkins, and pistillate flowers that are solitary in each involucre and succeeded in fruit by a characteristic acorn — see cork oak, live oak, white oak; lithocarpus; compare fagus

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Quercus /kwûrˈkəs/
The oak genus of the beech family
ORIGIN: L quercus oak
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quercetin /kwûrˈsə-tin/ noun
A bioflavonoid with antioxidant and antihistamine properties found in bracken and many foods incl tea, red wine and some vegetables, thought to provide some protection against heart disease
quercetum /kwûr-sēˈtəm/ noun
A collection of oak trees
querˈcitron /-si-trən/ noun
1. A N American oak, the dyer's oak or yellow-barked oak
2. Its inner bark, a source of quercetin and flavin

Useful english dictionary. 2012.