
1 stand for or correspond to (the comment does not represent all our views).
2 (often in passive) be a specimen or example of; exemplify (all types of people were represented in the audience).
3 act as an embodiment of; symbolize (the sovereign represents the majesty of the State; numbers are represented by letters).
4 call up in the mind by description or portrayal or imagination; place a likeness of before the mind or senses.
5 serve or be meant as a likeness of.
6 a state by way of expostulation or persuasion (represented the rashness of it). b (foll. by to) try to bring (the facts influencing conduct) home to (represented the risks to his client).
7 (often foll. by as, to be) describe or depict as; declare or make out (represented them as martyrs; not what you represent it to be).
8 (foll. by that + clause) allege.
9 show, or play the part of, on stage.
10 fill the place of; be a substitute or deputy for; be entitled to act or speak for (the Queen was represented by the Princess of Wales).
11 be elected as a member of Parliament, a legislature, etc. by (represents a rural constituency).
representable adj. representability n.
Etymology: ME f. OF representer or f. L repraesentare (as RE-, PRESENT(2))

Useful english dictionary. 2012.