
v. & n.
1 intr. cease, abstain, or be relieved from exertion, action, movement, or employment; be tranquil.
2 intr. be still or asleep, esp. to refresh oneself or recover strength.
3 tr. give relief or repose to; allow to rest (a chair to rest my legs).
4 intr. (foll. by on, upon, against) lie on; be supported by; be spread out on; be propped against.
5 intr. (foll. by on, upon) depend, be based, or rely on.
6 intr. (foll. by on, upon) (of a look) alight or be steadily directed on.
7 tr. (foll. by on, upon) place for support or foundation.
8 intr. (of a problem or subject) be left without further investigation or discussion (let the matter rest).
9 intr. a lie in death. b (foll. by in) lie buried in (a churchyard etc.).
10 tr. (as rested adj.) refreshed or reinvigorated by resting.
11 intr. US conclude the calling of witnesses in a law case (the prosecution rests).
12 intr. (of land) lie fallow.
13 intr. (foll. by in) repose trust in (am content to rest in God).
1 repose or sleep, esp. in bed at night (get a good night's rest).
2 freedom from or the cessation of exertion, worry, activity, etc. (give the subject a rest).
3 a period of resting (take a 15-minute rest).
4 a support or prop for holding or steadying something.
5 Mus. a an interval of silence of a specified duration. b the sign denoting this.
6 a place of resting or abiding, esp. a lodging place or shelter provided for sailors, cabmen, etc.
7 a pause in elocution.
8 a caesura in verse.
Phrases and idioms:
at rest not moving; not agitated or troubled; dead. be resting Brit. euphem. (of an actor) be out of work. rest-baulk a ridge left unploughed between furrows. rest one's case conclude one's argument etc. rest-cure a rest usu. of some weeks as a medical treatment. rest-day
1 a day spent in rest.
2 = day of rest. rest (or God rest) his (or her) soul may God grant his (or her) soul repose. rest-home a place where old or frail people can be cared for. rest-house Ind. a house for travellers to rest in. resting-place a place provided or used for resting. rest mass Physics the mass of a body when at rest. rest on one's laurels see LAUREL. rest on one's oars see OAR. rest room esp. US a public lavatory in a factory, shop, etc. rest up US rest oneself thoroughly. set at rest settle or relieve (a question, a person's mind, etc.).
rester n.
Etymology: OE raeligst, rest (n.), raeligstan, restan (v.)
n. & v.
—n. (prec. by the)
1 the remaining part or parts; the others; the remainder of some quantity or number (finish what you can and leave the rest).
2 Brit. Econ. the reserve fund, esp. of the Bank of England.
3 hist. a rally in tennis.
1 remain in a specified state (rest assured).
2 (foll. by with) be left in the hands or charge of (the final arrangements rest with you).
Phrases and idioms:
and all the rest (or the rest of it) and all else that might be mentioned; etcetera. for the rest as regards anything else.
Etymology: ME f. OF reste rester f. L restare (as RE-, stare stand)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.