
a major French river; flows into the Mediterranean near Marseilles

the valley of the Rhone is famous for its vineyards

Syn: ↑Rhone River
Instance Hypernyms: ↑river
Part Holonyms:
Switzerland, ↑Swiss Confederation, ↑Suisse, ↑Schweiz, ↑Svizzera, ↑France, ↑French Republic

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/rohn/, n.
1. a river flowing from the Alps in S Switzerland through the Lake of Geneva and SE France into the Mediterranean. 504 mi. (810 km) long.
2. a department in E Central France: wine-growing region. 1,429,647; 1104 sq. mi. (2860 sq. km). Cap.: Lyons. French, Rhône /rddohn/.

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a river in southwestern Europe that rises in the Swiss Alps and flows 505 miles (812 km) through Lake Geneva into France, then to Lyons, Avignon, and the Mediterranean Sea west of Marseilles, where it forms a wide delta

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variant of rone, waterspout.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.