
Baltimore oriole
eastern subspecies of northern oriole
Syn: ↑Baltimore bird, ↑hangbird, ↑firebird, ↑Icterus galbula galbula
Hypernyms: ↑northern oriole, ↑Icterus galbula

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noun or baltimore bird
Usage: usually capitalized B
Etymology: after Lord Baltimore
: a common American oriole (Icterus galbula) that builds a finely woven pendent nest of various fibers and grasses and that in the female has prevailingly brown and greenish yellow plumage and in the male has a black head, upper back, and tail base, black and white wings, and a yellow-orange outer part of the outer tail feathers and has the remaining plumage a brilliant orange

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an oriole, Icterus galbula galbula, of eastern North America: a subspecies of the northern oriole.
[1800-10; earlier Baltimore (bird); so named because the black and orange of the male were the colors of Lord BALTIMORE's livery]

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Baltimore oriole,
a North American bird. The male has orange and black feathers and the female has brown and greenish yellow feathers.
[earlier Baltimore bird (because the male's colors were those of Lord Baltimore's livery)]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.