
in some classifications this category does not include Leguminosae
Syn: ↑order Rosales
Hypernyms: ↑plant order
Member Holonyms: ↑Rosidae, ↑subclass Rosidae
Member Meronyms:
Connaraceae, ↑family Connaraceae, ↑zebrawood family, ↑Connarus, ↑genus Connarus, ↑Leguminosae, ↑family Leguminosae, ↑Fabaceae, ↑family Fabaceae, ↑legume family, ↑pea family, ↑Rosaceae, ↑family Rosaceae, ↑rose family, ↑Cephalotaceae, ↑family Cephalotaceae, ↑Crassulaceae, ↑family Crassulaceae, ↑stonecrop family, ↑Cunoniaceae, ↑family Cunoniaceae, ↑cunonia family, ↑Hydrangeaceae, ↑family Hydrangeaceae, ↑hydrangea family, ↑Saxifragaceae, ↑family Saxifragaceae, ↑saxifrage family, ↑Grossulariaceae, ↑family Grossulariaceae, ↑gooseberry family, ↑Platanaceae, ↑family Platanaceae, ↑plane-tree family

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\\rōˈzā(ˌ)lēz\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Rosa + -ales
: an order of dicotyledonous plants having flowers with the petals separate or in some members of the family Leguminosae more or less united, a partly united calyx, epigynous or perigynous stamens, and one or more carpels

Useful english dictionary. 2012.