
bank check
a written order directing a bank to pay money

he paid all his bills by check

Syn: ↑check, ↑cheque
Derivationally related forms: ↑cheque (for: ↑cheque), ↑check (for: ↑check)
Hypernyms: ↑draft, ↑bill of exchange, ↑order of payment
bad check, ↑bad cheque, ↑kite, ↑counter check, ↑giro, ↑giro cheque, ↑paycheck, ↑payroll check, ↑certified check, ↑certified cheque, ↑personal check, ↑personal cheque, ↑cashier's check, ↑treasurer's check, ↑cashier's cheque, ↑treasurer's cheque, ↑blank check, ↑blank cheque, ↑medicare check, ↑medicare payment

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Etymology: bank (IV)
: an order by a depositor on a commercial bank to pay a specified sum on demand to a designated payee or, when the check is endorsed by the payee, to others

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1. See cashier's check.
2. a check that the holder of a checking account draws on a bank for payment.
[1795-1805, Amer.]

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bank check,
an order issued on or by a bank to pay a designated amount.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.