
round dance
1. a folk dance; dancers form a circle
Syn: ↑ring dance
Hypernyms: ↑folk dancing, ↑folk dance
Hyponyms: ↑schottische
2. a ballroom dance characterized by revolving movement
Syn: ↑round dancing
Hypernyms: ↑ballroom dancing, ↑ballroom dance

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1. : a folk or ritual group or couple dance in which participants form a ring and move in a prescribed direction
2. : a ballroom dance in which couples progress around the room

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1. a dance performed by couples and characterized by circular or revolving movement, as the waltz.
2. a dance in which the dancers are arranged in or move about in a circle or ring.

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round dance noun
1. A dance in a ring
2. A dance in which couples revolve about each other
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Main Entry:round

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round dance,
1. a dance performed by couples with circular or revolving movements.
2. a folk dance with dancers in a circle.

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n. a folk dance in which the dancers form one large circle
a ballroom dance such as a waltz or polka in which couples move in circles around the ballroom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.