
n. & v.
1 a disorderly retreat of defeated troops.
2 a an assemblage or company esp. of revellers or rioters. b Law an assemblage of three or more persons who have made a move towards committing an illegal act.
3 riot, tumult, disturbance, clamour, fuss.
4 Brit. archaic a large evening party or reception.
—v.tr. put to rout.
Phrases and idioms:
put to rout put to flight, defeat utterly.
Etymology: ME f. AF rute, OF route ult. f. L ruptus broken
1 intr. & tr. = ROOT(2).
2 tr. cut a groove, or any pattern not extending to the edges, in (a wooden or metal surface).
Phrases and idioms:
rout out force or fetch out of bed or from a house or hiding-place.
Etymology: var. of ROOT(2)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.