
type genus of the Rubiaceae; Old World herbs and subshrubs grown for their medicinal properties and for dye substances extracted from their roots
Syn: ↑genus Rubia
Hypernyms: ↑asterid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Rubiaceae, ↑family Rubiaceae, ↑madder family
Member Meronyms: ↑Indian madder, ↑munjeet, ↑Rubia cordifolia

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\\ˈrübēə\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, madder; akin to Latin ruber red
: a genus (the type of the family Rubiaceae) of Old World herbs having pentamerous flowers and fleshy fruit — see madder

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Rubia /rooˈbi-ə/
The madder genus, giving its name to the Rubiāˈceae, a family of sympetalous dicotyledons related to the Caprifoliaceae
ORIGIN: L rubia madder, from rubeus reddish
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rubiāˈceous adjective

Useful english dictionary. 2012.